SEVERE WEATHER ALERT. Click here for more information.



You can trace shipments by:

Up to twenty numbers are allowed. Input each number individually or copy and paste the number(s) from another document into the search field and click Get Status.

Up to four numbers are allowed. Input each number individually; select the Month/Year and click Get Status.

Up to four numbers are allowed. Input each number individually; select the Month/Year and click Get Status.

Up to four numbers are allowed. Input each number individually; select the Month/Year and click Get Status.

Up to twenty numbers are allowed. Input each number individually or copy and paste the number(s) from another document into the search field and click Get Status. Please use correct PU # format, PU-XXX-XXXXXXX instead of searching for PUXXXXXXXXX.

Up to twenty numbers are allowed. Input each number individually or copy and paste the number(s) from another document into the search field and click Get Status.


To send ALL shipment tracking results to another person, type email address and click Send Email.

* Your emails will be answered Monday thru Friday 8:00am EST to 6:00pm EST. Requests that fall outside these times will be answered on the next business day.

Your business is our business

Central Transport helps to build and shape the United States by transporting the goods businesses need to run, and the goods they produce. We are proud to provide such critical services which touch every facet of everyday life. It is our goal to help your business be as successful as possible by making sure your freight gets to its destination safely and when needed – at a cost you can afford. Thank you for choosing Central Transport.

  (586) 467-1900